Today I was driving behind a truck that advertised a company specializing in eliminating cell phone radiation, thus protecting your safety and life. It got me wondering about how safe cell phones really are, and whether the dangers and recurrent threats (and the subsequent quashing of them) really are warranted. Using a cell phone may be like cigarette use (and just as addictive it seems)…with one sms taking off a second of our lives... but we continue anyway.
Cell phones have irrevocably changed the culture in which we live – we have become marvelously skilled multitaskers… able to have a conversation with someone while smsing under the table, drive one handed while we chat to people over the phone, conference call with people across the world… etc. But all this is useless if you die of cancer from using your high flying technologically advanced radiation exuding cell phone!
All cell phones emit radiation, even if in small amounts, in order to function. To get technical – the radiation is generated in the transmitter of a cell phone, and then emitted through the antenna.
According to the Federal Communications commission, electromagnetic radiation is made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving at the speed of light.
Some of this radiation has to get absorbed by the tissue in our heads – since we hold our cell phones so close to them. There are 2 types of radiation : the damaging one, which is used in X-rays and is called ionizing radiation, and then the safe one, which has a heating effect, such as in a microwave, visible light, and radio frequencies.
Cell phones have irrevocably changed the culture in which we live – we have become marvelously skilled multitaskers… able to have a conversation with someone while smsing under the table, drive one handed while we chat to people over the phone, conference call with people across the world… etc. But all this is useless if you die of cancer from using your high flying technologically advanced radiation exuding cell phone!
All cell phones emit radiation, even if in small amounts, in order to function. To get technical – the radiation is generated in the transmitter of a cell phone, and then emitted through the antenna.
According to the Federal Communications commission, electromagnetic radiation is made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving at the speed of light.
Some of this radiation has to get absorbed by the tissue in our heads – since we hold our cell phones so close to them. There are 2 types of radiation : the damaging one, which is used in X-rays and is called ionizing radiation, and then the safe one, which has a heating effect, such as in a microwave, visible light, and radio frequencies.
Have you ever noticed how hot your ear gets when you are on the phone for a long period? This is caused by radiation…and is thought to be potentially damaging because our bodies are not designed to handle excessive amounts of heat.
There seems to be mixed evidence as to whether cell phones are dangerous or not, but some of the ailments that could potentially be caused or worsened by cell phones include cancer, brain tumors, alzheimer’s, parkinsons, fatigue and headaches.
There seems to be mixed evidence as to whether cell phones are dangerous or not, but some of the ailments that could potentially be caused or worsened by cell phones include cancer, brain tumors, alzheimer’s, parkinsons, fatigue and headaches.
It appears that the majority of the population is un-phased by possible dangers of cell phones, although it did become very popular at one stage to have one of those flashing stickers attached somewhere on one’s phone. It seemed more of a fashion fad than anything else though. Perhaps so few cell phone users are reacting to the speculation because today’s consumers are so used to being informed that something is bad, and then good, and then bad again, that they have decided to ignore threats and just make up their own minds.
It would seem that speculation is not worth acting upon when it comes to something as indispensable as a cell phone.
Good research, but I think the exposure humans have to hundreds of other sources of radiation or cancer inducing chemicals on a daily basis far surpasses the need to fix cellular phones. Just by walking into an average painted classroom you are being exposed to harmful chemicals known to cause birth defects or cancer. Until people start becoming seriously affected in mass numbers by cellular phones use, we won't see any anti-cell phone ads go massively public or any legislature restricting the use of phones.
Corey Crawford
Thanks so much for your comment! I meant to mention that...how there are so many more detimental things to our health that we knowingly are forced to face on a daily basis, that unfounded claims are not likely to be heeded.
Personally, I think you hit the nail on the head about how people tend to become frazzled with suggestions that cellphones are on one hand dangerous and on the other hand not..it is a harsh reality that many people actually have been affected by cellular radiation, but realistically speaking nothing major is being done to decrease its incidence or to promote awareness. It is quite scary to think that people should suffer in masses before something can be done to combat the problem.
Every aspect of technology has it positive and negative impacts, but most poeple are unaware of the bad of technology. It was the good research you did. I personally didn't know that a cellphone can be as dengeous as a cigarette, however, since u explained, i understand and aware of the possibilities of cancer through using a cellphone. From Khululiwe Luthuli
Cellphones are like cigarettes, you carryon smoking even if there's a big Danger sign at the back of the packet. Same with cellphones, I for one cannot imagine my life without my cellphone. The fun features of cellphones make us overlook the bad side of it.
to tell you the truth, too much of everything is not good fro you, so if you are constantly on your cell phone twenty 24 hours a dayt, it is bound to give you a problem and it affects your eardrums and vene burns you, its nice to love technology but its wring to inlove with it, to feel like it completes us
I agree with Corey, there are so many things these days that could give you cancer, even burnt toast could give you cancer, emphasis on the word 'could'. Do we walk around on egg shells being constantly paranoid and avoiding all things potentially harmful to our health? Not me, i shall carry on using my cell phone, it makes my life so much easier.
When I read this post I was quite alarmed at the what was said. I never new about his what so ever. I guess its my naivety and ignorance because when speaking to my friends,they all seem to acknowledge this and were aware but it didn't really seem to bother them. Even if the chances are minimal, cancer is not. I guess one needs to try avoid the risk as much as possible. But how? Do I just simply reduce my consumption of cellphones? Or is there another way?
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