Although some might use photography to capture people or happenings in order to earn a living, and in some ways create fame, others use cameras to express and show others things about themselves and their lives. Websites such as Facebbok and Flickr.com allow for this to occur, across a vast space, for a large audience. As I am sure, the mass of people reading this are either registered to one of these websites or have visited the site once before. Facebook allows for communication between people far and near but also permits them to post photographs of their choice on the site for millions to view. Flickr is similar, but more so for those individuals inspiring in photography, more 'professional' photos are posted and may be viewed by the site visitors.
I myself am registered for facebook, and it gives me the option to publish my photographs for people all around the world to see. Facebook is a very useful website, but one negative thing about it is that it is slowly turning the world into obsessed computer users. People sit at their computers daily on these websites, especially facebook, viewing photos of others they know, what ever happened to ordinary photo albums??
I am not saying facebook is horrible, it allows us to communicate with friends and family far away, it is just incorporating more technological activities into our lives, allowing us to become obsessed with the internet and our computers, tearing us away from the social world..
Taryn Brown
I have to say that I totally agree with you. Face book is addictive. Im also on it and trust me I can stay for hour chatting to people and viewing their photos. I usually go to a computer to do my work but end up only spending 3 hours on facebook and by the time I get to my work I am tired and so I spend like 30 minutes. Like any other network it has both its pros and cons. Photography has really allowed to see people's live more live and hands on
I second that! I found I was always wanting to check my email etc to see if I had any new messages. One can spend hours looking on facebook for old friends, and also see what everyone is up to. At the end of the day it is largely unproductive time, because it produces a kind of 'one way friendship' - if such a thing can exist! I forced myself to stop checking all the time, and have found that my life is so much more productive when I do this!
I agree, facebook does allow us to communicate with friends and family faraway but it is extreamly time consuming and addictive. Recently, the natal witness had an acticle in the job guide, stating that employers are now using facebook to screen their candidates for jobs by viewing their photo's on their facebook profiles, some candidates have inappropriate pictures of themselves and loose thier job opportunity.
I agree Taryn! Facebook is so timeconsuming that when you're on it, it becomes so addictive that you don't want to log off!
I can honestly admit that i have become obsessed with facebook and it has taken so much of time away that i could have used productively now that we are so close to exams.
You are so right that facebook tears us away from an ordinary social life.
Well done! A very interesting post!
like other chat applications like mxit, mig 33 facebook provides us with another way to chat. like the other chat applications facebook is also addictive. with applications like these its hard to get any work done as you are tempted to log on to these applications just for 5 minutes you tell yourself but those five minutes usually turn into hours. its is an extrodinary application as we are now provided with other means to communicate with friends and family
i agree that facebook is very addictive. I usually find myself going onto the computer to do an assignments then get distracted by going on facebook.Sometimes i can stay on for ages but realise that it is very time consuming and a lot of my time spent on the computer is wasted because i am sitting on facebook. Sometimes i will go on for a long time, others not so long. I do enjoy facebook however and think it is wonderful as it has allowed us to keep in contact with a large amount of people all over the world, and also allows us to find people that we have lost contact with throughout the years.
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