Be shaken and stirred...

Welcome to our media blog project...

The team: 3 third year media students
The mission: Create a blog
The objective: Get people thinking and commenting through our thought provoking writing about new media issues
The topics: Photography is Taryns assignment, Katie's job is to write on music, and Cara explores cellular phones...

Be inspired, be very on...please post your comments!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Capabilities of photography

New media technology has developed to such an extent that it has allowed for cameras to be able to take photographs from outer space. Although this was done years ago, cameras have developed enormously since then. We are able to swallow minute cameras so that they can take a journey through our bodies recording photographs and even live video feeds. X-rays and CAT scans help humans medically and photograph problem areas. The technology humans have developed in the years has been of great help to the world as well as great interest to the world.

In my short life so far, I have witnessed the increasing development of photographic appliances, not to mention other technology, and it is astonoshing to think of how dramatic the changes have been. Just imagine, if cameras can take detailed photographs of outer space and photos of inside our bodies, with us still being alive, just imagine what they will be capable of doing in a few years.. Cameras have shown their adaptability of environmental conditions, in outer space and inside acidic environments, they still capture what they need to in the given time. The technology of photography, as well as the technology of the world is changing, giving us more knowledge of the world we live in as well as giving us the option to live an 'easier' life with all the capabilities of it. But will this ever increasing development change our culture? Will it ease the way of work and provide a more satisfactory path of life? We will see in time to come...

Taryn Brown


Cara Booysen said...

For me the most amazing photographs ever taken have to be by the Hubble telescope. Ut takes photos of outer space... of constellations that are millions of lught years away - too far away for the human brain to even comprehend. You have to check out one of the most famous photos this telescope has taken...its called pillars of creation, see it at:
Its hard to believe that they are not digitally enhanced or created...nature is truly amazing, man cannot improve on it!

anthony delport said...

I think our culture is always changing. Today with all this technology that we have developed up until now it is changing faster than we can blink. The end result remains a mystery. But we can already notice differences in our nature. It seems technology is part of our evolutionary function and the camera is hugely instrumental in advancing our imagination and intellect.