There must be millions of couples whose romances began in the world of digital technology... mainly over sms.
I think it is an unhealthy place to start a romantic attachment. People, guys in particular, are losing the art of decent 'courtship' and how to woo a women in person. Instead, they use shortened words and symbols (xxx) to express their feelings, and ask questions that they wouldn't dare have the boldness or cheek to in a face to face encounter with their hearts desire.
Guys ask girls out over sms, girls and guys dump each other over sms.... cellphones are making us into a generation of non-confrontational cowards.
Having a long distance relationship myself, I am most grateful for sms techbology, but my case is different because I've known him for 4 years, and we aren't trying to get to know each other through 9 keys and a cellphone screen.
Besides the time wastage of sending short messages back and forth for hours at a time, text messages can be misread, over-anaylsed, lost in space and never replied to....
The worst is when you send a gushy sms to the wrong person... we have all done that - some with more disastrous consequences than others!
It is a sad day when two people that like each other would rather spend 4 hours sending smses back and forth between each other, rather than meet up for a one hour coffee...where the quality of conversation will be far better, but definately less bold.
Throught smsing, cellphones are changing the way relationships are developed. Social norms are being transformed and shaken about. For example, it is very rare that a guy will ask a girl outright if she likes anyone...but it happens all the time over sms!
My suggestion... pick up your phone and instead of using it to sms "I lv u xxxxx", rather phone your object of affection, organise a date, and tell them in person with a hug and a real kiss...
Cara Booysen
I agree but Im sure that some people onlyhave courage over that medium and so its aceptable for them to flirt and live their romatic dreams accross this medium.
Though I was once broken up with through an sms, I realise that it was their cowardardly behviour that could have been acted out through other mediums instead of a sms.. Watch out for the She devil ..the she devil
I both agree and disagree!
As I said in one of my posts, http://mediawatch321.blogspot.com/2008/03/social-networks-choice.html, I think it is all about choice - whether you make the correct use of the technologies available to us.
Sure, we can and do avoid confrontation. But I don't think a relationship that starts online, or over a cell phone is doomed to fail.
The point of change comes when we actually make the effort to develop that relationship in physical presence. So while it may have started via technology, it is important to move into the realm of physical interaction.
A social network and/or cell phone can also be a good place to start when learning about someone - I know that’s where I started... but obviously then you have to move into reality.
I totally agree! People are having relationships with their mobile phones rather than with human beings! It is so much easier to say things over sms or phone calls than confronting someone face-to-face...People begin to forget how to interact and socialise. Nonverbal cues and tones of voice are absent and therefore communication becomes misleading causing complications...
as much as cellphone dating is a possibility it is also risky.what guarantee is there that when you finally meet that same spark will still be there because after all online we present the better part of ourselves.what if he/she has the most annoying habit which you cant see yourself tolerating?are you preapared to stand for it just because you have been texting each other for a year?meeting in person and beginning relationships is still the best option in this way you can decide from the beginning if the person is worth your time.and for those who dump via sms thats just being cowardly-you were able to say yes face to face when you were asked out but now when you are not feeling it anymore you cant stand up and say no thanx?i personally have nothing against online dating as long as you know what you are getting yourself into than by all means be craetive in finding your potential better half
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