Be shaken and stirred...

Welcome to our media blog project...

The team: 3 third year media students
The mission: Create a blog
The objective: Get people thinking and commenting through our thought provoking writing about new media issues
The topics: Photography is Taryns assignment, Katie's job is to write on music, and Cara explores cellular phones...

Be inspired, be very on...please post your comments!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Instant Organisation...

A few days ago my dad remarked that because of cell phones, my generation has lost the art of planning. He made it sound like a negative thing, but I think it has made our lives so much more spontaneous, and we actually end up making more plans, just at shorter notice!
The days of organizing things way in advance and actually sticking to a plan are fading away. Our society is literally turning into a last minute culture… we organize coffees and lunches between lectures via sms as we walk out of class, and go straight to the restaurant to meet everyone.
I suppose my dad was therefore correct in saying that technology only really benefits the people whose generation in which it was invented. We are so used to cell phones that we wouldn’t be able to get by without them – so they haven’t revolutionized our lives, they have been a part of them from the start, and are thus a necessity. It is our parents who have benefited the most because the introduction of cell phones totally changed their lives.
I do often wonder how people planned stuff… and what you did when you got lost! I suppose it also gives one a sense of security knowing help is always contactable… but getting robbed for your cell phone debunks that idea!

One thing that grates me is when you go out with people, and everyone sits at the table sms-ing all of those people who aren’t there! Life is about the here and now… you miss the present if you’re always trying to be in touch with someone who is somewhere else.

Cara Booysen


Faye Hicks said...

Cell phones have made organising things a lot easier, as one sms can be typed and sent and replies are usually quite speedy. It does therefore make it easier for us to plan things later in advance.

However, I still do not appreciate receiving an sms invitation ten minutes before a movie is about to start, or an invite to supper half an hour before. There does still seem to be a type of etiquette involved. As at varsity its fine to organise lucnh or coffee plans last minute but anything major, one needs to be notified at least that morning or luch time latest! That is however still quite spontaneous though.

If we are available at such late notice,does it show that we possibly do not have very busy lives? However I find it impossible to organise anything sufficiently more than two days in advance - people just don't reply. Perhaps they are waiting for a better offer?

Cell phones definitely help to make plans, whether spontaneously or not. However I would appreciate table etiquette to be considered. Keep your phone off or on silent while at the table. I don't want so see how much you would rather be with the person you are on the phone with or planning your next outing with. You are with me now and I would like your undivided attention!

Cara Booysen said...

Thanks Faye!!
I was thinking the other day how cellphones have actualy made us unreliable people in a way. Because we are able to change plans at the last minute via an sms or a phonecall, the common decency of keeping commitments is fast disappearing!
I think people often dont give much notice about events and plans anymore is because they are indeed waiting for a better option to turn up... or perhaps sms's are anonymous enough that one doesnt feel rude replying only 2 days later. Not exactly the greatest values to be fostering in a culture!

Ntokozo Mntambo said...

something ive noticed with cellphone related planning is that people just dont seem to bother anymore with actually a follow up of whether this lat minute invitation inconviniences you in any way possible. but i guess it goes back to the fact that every date these days is planned via the cellphone. everything just happens so fast and if you dont keep up you are sure to get left much as we may be inconvinienced by certain invites its strange how we still find ourselves now trying to make our way around this last minute invite i mean after all as easily as the plan was made it can be chopped and changed accordingly...right?